Sunday, August 9, 2015

Hiroto turns 3!

Hiroto's rocket from Kristina Detwiller on Vimeo.

Birthday cake from Kristina Detwiller on Vimeo.

Happy birthday to you from Kristina Detwiller on Vimeo.

It is hard to believe but Hiroto is already 3! We started the day with presents, he got a lot of good ones this year. Thank you to all of the grandparents for sending gifts! We checked out the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. It was interesting. We saw an IMAX movie there because it came with admission. I thought the kids would like it but it was their least favorite part. Seems like we have the most fun at home! We made our usual birthday dinner complete with the birthday cake. This year both Hiroto and Yukine helped making the croquette. Tetsushi made the croquettes, Hiroto did the flour, me the egg, and Yukine panko.  We all stayed focused and worked hard until we were all done. I was impressed how efficiently we worked together. It was an awesome birthday celebration and delicious dinner.  Happy Birthday Hiroto!

Water Conservation Garden

We went to The Water Conservation Garden to see the butterfly pavilion. A very nice docent taught us so many things about butterflies. We were able to see the whole cycle of caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly with the monarch. It was such a beautiful and peaceful experience. The garden was very nice.  Even though it was such a hot day, we had so much fun! I want to go back on a cool day to enjoy the garden more. The butterflies are only there in the summer.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lego robots

Daddy's been playing with legos again...

San Francisco road trip: Part 4

One day in East Bay!  We met up with a couple of old friends we hadn't seen in a really long time. It was great catching up!  I wish I had more pictures of the people we visited...sorry Liz and Dan and Dalia. The kids loved Liz's dog Remy, going to see the old shop in Alameda was so cool. Then we had dinner at Dan and Dalia's house. We got to meet there kids, catch up with Florian, and enjoy an excellent meal.  Thanks everyone for a great day.  
We started home the next morning. It was a long drive, but made it home in one day. The kids did great.    

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

San Francisco road trip: Part 3

We made it to San Francisco!  We stayed at Dan and Renee's house, as always, we had a great visit.  We got to play in the tree pod, go see the flower conservatorium, and we had a gyoza and niku man party.  We all had such a good time.  Thanks Dan and Renee!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

San Francisco road trip : Part 2

We found an awesome playground in Monterey called the Dennis the Menace playground.  It was huge!  We all had a great time!