Saturday, July 12, 2014

walk at Lake McConaughy

We took the kids for a walk today at Lake McConaughy.  They both loved it!  The highlight was the baby toads hopping around the trail.   Hiroto really wanted to hold one...we tried, but they moved pretty fast.  It was a nice way to spend the morning!

fun in the pool at Papa and Nana's

Visit to Papa and Nana's

We have been visiting Papa and Nana's house in Ogallala, Nebraska, spending our time hanging out in the backyard, hunting for dango mushi (rolly pollies), relaxing in the swimming pool, and catching up with Juno and Isabel...and, of course, Papa and Nana.   

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

swimming pool


Hiroto loves to wear everyone elses shoes...

our sunflowers are blooming...

morning glory water

Yukine put the morning glory flower petals in water.  It made a beautiful purple color.  Hiroto had fun with the flower petals too, and then he found the dirt box...